Aloe Vera

Family: Asphodelaceae
Genus & Species: Aloe vera
Common Names: Aloe vera, Medicinal aloe, True aloe, Barbados aloe, Curacao aloe.
Overview: Aloe vera is a succulent plant that grows in arid and subtropical climates. [1] While the whole plant can be used by a trained herbalist, the gel found on the inside of the leaf is most commonly used. Aloe has a long history of use in  many cultures, including Greece, Egypt, India, Mexico, Japan, and China. Ancient Egyptians called aloe “the plant of immortality”, hinting at its significance in their cosmetic and medicinal practices. The Egyptian Pharaohs Nefertiti and Cleopatra even used the plant in their regular beauty regimes. [2] Aloe is most commonly used topically to help heal sunburns and other cuts or burns on the skin. Aloe gel was also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine to regulate the digestive tract (the root of good health) and gently cleanse stagnation in the liver. [3]
Therapeutic Properties: Alterative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, demulcent, immunostimulant,  mild laxative, topical antihistamine, vulnerary. [2,3,4]
Typical Uses: Aloe has a  wide array of topical uses. The gel found on the inside of the leaf can be directly applied to this skin to help treat acute inflammatory conditions such as allergic reactions, burns, and bug bites. It can be particularly helpful on sunburns as it protects the skin from damage caused by UV radiation. [2] Aloe is also a wonderful herb to incorporate into a daily skincare routine because of its anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and anti-aging effects. [2] When the gel is ingested it has a whole other array of benefits. Aloe is very effective for soothing the whole G.I. tract, helping to regulate digestion and elimination and even reduce symptoms associated with stomach ulcers. [2,4] 


1. Aloe Vera Gel Research Review | Natural Medicine Journal

2. Aloe Vera: A Short Review | PubMed Central® 

3. Aloe Vera The Ayurvedic Miracle Plant | VPK by Maharishi Ayurveda® 

4. Aloe Vera Monograph | Herb Rally