
Family: Asteraceae

Genus & Species: Chamaemelum nobile, Matricaria recutita
Common Names: Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile, Camomilla
Overview:  Chamomile is predominantly found in two forms, Roman (nobile) and German (recutita). The former is native to Western Europe and Northern Africa while the latter is native to much of Europe, extending into Western Asia and the Himalayas. [1,2] Both forms have naturalized to the Americas because of their widespread use in herbalism. Within medicine, both kinds of chamomile have strikingly similar properties, targeting and soothing the nervous system, digestive system, and skin. In general, they can be used interchangeably and have proven to be quite safe for children and babies. [3]  
Therapeutic Properties: Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiemetic, anti-seizure, antiseptic, analgesic, anxiolytic, digestive, tranquilizer, vulnerary, anti-hemorrhoidal [3,4]
Typical Uses: Chamomile is a wonderfully versatile herb that is able to soothe and rejuvenate both the body and mind. When taken internally as a tea or tincture, chamomile reduces anxiety, insomnia, menstrual cramps, and gastrointestinal stress. It is an ideal remedy when one has the common cold, as it can ease generalized discomfort and encourage the body to rest and heal. [3] Chamomile can also be applied topically, infused into an oil or salve. When used externally, chamomile has been proven to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin where it can provide its anti-inflammatory and vulnerary effects. [4] This makes chamomile a powerful addition to any skin-care routine or herbal first-aid kit. 


1. Chamaemelum nobile | Plants For A Future

2. Matricaria recutita | Plants For A Future

3. A Family Herb: Chamomile Flower | Herbal Academy 

4. Chamomile: A Herbal Medicine... | PubMed Central®