
Family: Zingiberaceae

Genus & Species: Zingiber officinale
Common Names: 
Overview: Ginger is a large tuberous perennial that grows in tropical regions of Asia. [1] This remarkable rhizome has a history of medicinal use going back 5000 years in China and India where it was consumed for its diverse array of healing properties. In fact, the herb has been cultivated for so long that Z. officinale is not found in the wild and its exact origins are unknown. [2] Outside of Asia, ginger has also been used historically in Germany, Greece, and throughout much of Africa. [1] It’s most commonly used to treat acute discomfort in the G.I. tract, such as nausea, emesis, motion sickness, or morning sickness. Outside of the gut, ginger has many benefits as well. The primary bioactive constituents, gingerols, have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even anticancer activity. [2]
Therapeutic Properties: Diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, digestive, carminative, antibiotic, antiemetic, vasodilator, antispasmodic, hepatoprotective, nootropic [2,3,4]
Typical Uses: The most popular way to prepare ginger is likely an infusion, and for good reason! Ginger tea is a delicious and a fast active stomach soother. In addition to its digestive benefits, ginger tea can be a wonderful alternative to coffee because of its brain-boosting and gentle stimulatory effect. Drinking ginger tea can also be a great ally to the immune system when fighting a cold because of its antibiotic action. [4] Another effective way to use ginger is by infusing it into an oil. Ginger oil can be regularly applied to inflamed areas of the body to take advantage of its potent anti-inflammatory action and reduce any pain in the region. [2,3]


1. Ginger root | American Botanical Council

2. The Amazing and Mighty Ginger | PubMed Central®

3. Zingiber officinalis | The Naturopathic Herbalist

4. 6 Ways to Use Ginger Every Day | The Herbal Academy